• GET WET SOON · Dive into Surfing, Yoga and Creativity

    Jules Ahoi: Die Kunst, für die Kunst zu leben

    Jules Ahoi ist mittlerweile eine bekannte Größe in der deutschen Musiklandschaft. Und das zu recht – 2016 wanderte er zunächst nach Frankreich aus, um sich auf das Surfen und seine Musik zu konzentrieren. Nach einiger Zeit kam er zurück nach Deutschland, um hier noch intensiver an seiner Musik zu arbeiten.

    Mit Melancholic Dreamwave erschien in diesem Jahr sein mittlerweile fünftes Album und es ist ihm wahrlich anzusehen, wie groß die Freude ist, endlich wieder auf Tournee und damit nah bei seinen Fans zu sein.

    Wir trafen ihn während der „Saltwater Session“ vor seinem ausverkauften Konzert im Knust im Hamburger Saltwater Shop und unterhielten uns unter anderem über:

    • das Gefühl nach zwei Jahren wieder live spielen zu können
    • die Inspiration für „Melancholic Dreamwave“
    • die Suche nach sich selbst vs. dem Ankommen
    • die Melancholie als Kraft um Kunst zu schaffen
    • seinen Kreativ-Prozess beim Kreieren neuer Songs
    • seine musikalischen Vorbilder
    • die Produktivität in Deutschland vs der Zeit am Meer
    • wie er den Sprung wagte, seinem Traum zu folgen



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    Michael Matthiass: Die Kunst, intuitiv zu denken

    Michael Matthiass ist Storycoach, Texter, Musiker, Jung von Matt-Veteran, ADC-Mitglied und vor allem aber leidenschaftlicher Lehrer & Lerner, der seine Erfahrungen zum Thema Kreativität und Intuition in unzähligen Workshops, Coachings und Vorträgen teilt.

    Wie schön für alle Kreativen, dass er seine geballte Expertise in dem wunderbaren Buch „Echtzeit – die Kunst, intuitiv zu denken“ niedergeschrieben hat.

    Ich hatte das Vergnügen, ihn in Hamburg zu treffen und während des inspirierenden Gespräches viel dazulernen dürfen. 

    Habt viel Spaß beim Hören und an alle Kreativen dort draussen: Wundert Euch nicht, wenn ihr im Anschluss das Gefühl habt, von der Muse geküsst worden zu sein. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist sehr hoch! 🙂 

    Neben dem Hauptthema Intuition & Kreativität sprachen wir außerdem über:

    • Seinen Weg vom Studium der Kirchenmusik in die Werbung
    • Intuitiver Geist versus rationalem Denken
    • Warum gute Ideen oft kaputt geredet werden
    • Die Message als Voraussetzung für gute Kreation
    • Wie man der inneren Stimme wieder vertraut
    • Wie Du mit Kreativblockaden umgehst
    • Die Angst vor dem weißen Blatt
    • Das Loslassen vom Ego während des Kreativprozesses
    • Was macht gute Kreation eigentlich aus?
    • Woran erkennen wir herausragende Kreation?
    • Kreativ sein unter Druck


    Michael Matthiass Homepage
    (hier findet ihr sein komplettes Angebot)

    Das Buch „Echtzeit. Die Kunst, intuitiv zu denken“

    Michael Matthias auf LinkedIn


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    Mehr Achtsamkeit für Deinen Alltag (Kostenloser Online-Workshop)

    Begleite uns zum Jivamukti Surf & Yoga Retreat in Portugal (Oct. 23.-30.22)

    Yogeswari: a Life dedicated to the practice

    Yogeswari is a world renowned Senior Jivamukti Yoga teacher and one of the most senior teachers in this method.

    She travels and teaches yoga all around the world and is featured as one of the 100 most influential yoga teachers in the US.

    Her trademark is her vigorous, seamless Vinyasa Sequencing and her thought provoking philosophical teachings.

    Her whole live is dedicated to inspire other human beings – no matter if its during her classes, workshops or the Jivamukti teachertrainings which she is leading as a facilitator.

    I had the honor to have her as a teacher during my Jivamukti Yoga teachertraining this spring and am even more honored to have her as a guest in todays show.

    In this inspiring conversation we talked about:

    • how her spiritual journey started
    • how she experienced her first Jivamukti-Yoga-Class
    • what makes Jivamukti Yoga so special
    • what influence Yoga had on her life
    • the vision she had for her life at a young age
    • how to get closer to your own purpose
    • how to show up as a teacher
    • her advice to anybody that wants to become a Yogateacher
    • what drives her to teach and travel so much
    • the change of the meat and diary industrie
    • her non profit organisation AZAHAR
    • her favorite sutra (among lots of others) and how to apply it to our lifes


    Yogewaris Homepage
    (where you find her upcoming Retreats and Workshops)

    Yogeswari on Instagram

    Yogeswari on Facebook

    The AZAHAR Foundation

    AZAHAR on Instagram

    Jivamukti Yoga Homepage


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    Join us for the Jivamukti Surf & Yoga Retreat in Portugal (Oct. 23.-30.)

    Embodied enthusiasm: Cat Alip-Douglas (Sangyé Yoga School)

    Cat Alip-Douglas her Journey began in the fashion world of New York, where she worked at Condé Nast – a time when also Yoga came into her life and showed her a path she wanted to follow with her whole heart. She became a Jivamukti-Teacher and went to London where she founded the Sangyé Yoga School (formerly known as Jivamukti London) in 2005. Cat Alip found her most inspiration in the buddhist teachings – and inspires yoga students worldwide to live a more conscious and fullfilled life.

    In our Talk we spoke about:

    • about her Journey
    • the spark that lit up her path of yoga
    • her Jivamukti path
    • how she found inspiration in the buddhist teachings
    • the four elements of buddhism
    • what her sadhana looks like
    • lots of more inspiring insights from Cat


    Sangyé Yoga School

    Cat Alip-Douglas Website

    Cat Alip-Douglas on FB

    Cat Alip-Douglas on Instagram

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    Learn how to integrate spiritual Routines and uplift your life in our free webinar „Ride the conscious wave of life“ (in German)

    Check out our upcoming Yoga-Retreats and Workshops

    Eddie Stern: One simple Thing

    Eddie Stern is a worldly renowned yoga teacher who grew up in New York City. He studied Ashtanga Yoga, chanting, philosophy and ritual under Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, from Mysore, from 1991 – 2009.

    He is the founder of the Broome Street Ganesha Temple in NYC and runs the Urban Yogis project that brings yoga and meditation to young adults and youth in disadvantaged and at-risk-to-violence communities in NYC, with his collaborator, Deepak Chopra.

    Last year Eddie Stern published the beautiful gem of a Book called „One simple thing“ – A new look at the Science of Yoga and how it can transform your life which received a great deal of recognition since then.

    In our conversation we talked about:

    • how Eddie Stern would explain Yoga to a total newbie
    • his first contact with spirituality (spoiler alert: it was a book)
    • if Yoga could change the world if we all get introduced to it at an early age?
    • The Yamas and the Niyamas or setting boundaries to gain freedom
    • The 5 Kleshas
    • spiritual bypassing vs confronting with ones own Traumas
    • the Polyvagal Theory
    • the difference between Pranayama and Breathwork
    • the beauty of Kirtan and Chanting
    • and lots of more… 


    Eddie Stern Website (For Classes and Workshops)

    Eddie Stern on Instagram

    The Book: One simple thing

    The Magazine NAMARUPA

    5 Books that Eddie recommended:

    The end of Sorrow by Eknath Easwaran

    7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

    Yoga Philosophy of Patañjali by Swami Hariharananda Aranya

    The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton

    Learn how to integrate spiritual Routines to uplift your daily life in our free webinar „Ride the conscious wave of life“ (in German)

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