Vor 15 Jahren hat Nicole Bongartz, die Leiterin von Lord Vishnus Couch aus Köln, gemeinsam mit ihren Mitstreitern die Yoga Conference Germany ins Leben gerufen. Damals noch als frische Inspiration aus Amerika mit nach Deutschland exportiert ist dieses Event, das jährlich in Köln stattfindet, in der deutschen Yoga-Szene einfach nicht mehr wegzudenken.
Kein Wunder, schließlich ist die Yoga Conference Germany eines der wenigen Events, wo sich auch die internationalen Größen der Szene die Klinke in die Hand geben.
Im Interview zwischen zwei Workshops unterhalte ich mich mit Nicole darüber…
• wie alles begann
• welche Lehrer sie selber inspirieren
• die Entwicklung der Yoga-Szene
• nach welchen Kriterien Lehrer für die Conference eingeladen werden
Yoga Conference Germany
Vishnus Couch
Nicole Bongarz auf Instagram
Lord Vishnus Couch auf Instagram
Begleite uns nach Frankreich zur GET WET SOON Surf&Yoga Immersion vom 6.-13. Juli sowie vom 13.-20. Juli.
Oder entfliehe dem frischen Dezemberwetter nach Marokko wo wir ebenfalls mit der GET WET SOON Surf&Yoga Immersion vor Ort sein werden.
Never miss the best waves at the right time at the right place around the world. Order your „SURFING WORLDWIDE MAP“ here.
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The book „Surf Science“ is very well known in the surf scene. The author Tony Butt has dedicated his whole life to the ocean. His love for surfing big waves made him also dive deeper into the subject of the sea. Therefore he studied ocean science and luckily for all of us, made this complex subject more understandable for surfers by writing that wonderful book which is already a classic.
Tony Butt is also a Patagonia Ambassador and expresses his deep love for the ocean into his work for NGOs like Surfers against Sewage and Save the waves.
After the day of his workshop „Surf Science“ in Ericeira we had some time to talk about his life and therefore about everything related to the ocean for example…
– his decision to go to Spain
– how the idea for his book „Surf Science“ came up
– surfing big waves compared to normal waves
– why society is loosing contact with nature
– Sustainability
– and lots of more…
Tony Butt´s articles at Patagonia
The Book „Surf Science: An introduction to waves for Surfing“
The Book „Surfers Guide to Waves, Coasts and Climates“
The Book „Guide to sustainable Surfing“
Never miss the best waves at the right time at the right place around the world. Order your „SURFING WORLDWIDE MAP“ here.
Join us for Surf & Yoga in Morocco for a new edition of the GET WET SOON Immersion this Dec. 2 till 9.
Or join our ”Brainsweat“ Surf Coworkation in Morocco from Nov. 24 – Dec. 1
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The book „Surf Science“ is very well known in the surf scene. The author Tony Butt has dedicated his whole life to the ocean. His love for surfing big waves made him also dive deeper into the subject of the sea. Therefore he studied ocean science and luckily for all of us, made this complex subject more understandable for surfers by writing that wonderful book which is already a classic.
Tony Butt is also a Patagonia Ambassador and expresses his deep love for the ocean into his work for NGOs like Surfers against Sewage and Save the waves.
After the day of his workshop „Surf Science“ in Ericeira we had some time to talk about his life and therefore about everything related to the ocean for example…
– his decision to go to Spain
– how the idea for his book „Surf Science“ came up
– surfing big waves compared to normal waves
– why society is loosing contact with nature
– Sustainability
– and lots of more…
Tony Butt´s articles at Patagonia
The Book „Surf Science: An introduction to waves for Surfing“
The Book „Surfers Guide to Waves, Coasts and Climates“
The Book „Guide to sustainable Surfing“
Never miss the best waves at the right time at the right place around the world. Order your „SURFING WORLDWIDE MAP“ here.
Join us for Surf & Yoga in Morocco for a new edition of the GET WET SOON Immersion this Dec. 2 till 9.
Or join our ”Brainsweat“ Surf Coworkation in Morocco from Nov. 24 – Dec. 1
Among all soul surfers this planet has to offer Kepa Acero from the Basque Country might be one of the most famous ones. After surfing in competitions for years he left that part of his life behind just to travel along this planets coasts and surf lot of empty spots all by himself. And luckily for all of us, always with his videocamera that he installed at the beach.
Due to these authentic videos that he put online he gained a lot of new followers that got imsprierd by his simple lifestyle.
I had the honor to talk to him during the surf film festival Berlin where we talked about the movie „Its not only about waves“ that he did with his girlfriend, the wonderful filmmaker Eva Diez, the life after his accident and lots of more….
I hope you enjoy the conversation just like I did and would be very happy if you leave a little review on iTunes, which helps to make this podcast more popular maybe also among non-surfers.
Subjects we talked about (among others):
• about his friendship with Karolo
• the Movie „It´s not all about waves“
• what it feels like traveling alone
• about giving
• thoughts on life after his accident
• and more…
Kepa Acero at PUKAS
Kepa Acero on Instagram
Kepa Acero Homepage
Eva Diez on Instagram
Eva Diez Homepage
SurfilmFest Berlin
Maybe this might also be of your interest:
Get the right surf-season for 108 regions worldwide with the „SURFING WORLDWIDE MAP„.
Follow me to Morocco for the GET WET SOON Surf- and Yoga Immersion this Dec. 2-9.
Among all soul surfers this planet has to offer Kepa Acero from the Basque Country might be one of the most famous ones. After surfing in competitions for years he left that part of his life behind just to travel along this planets coasts and surf lot of empty spots all by himself. And luckily for all of us, always with his videocamera that he installed at the beach.
Due to these authentic videos that he put online he gained a lot of new followers that got imsprierd by his simple lifestyle.
I had the honor to talk to him during the surf film festival Berlin where we talked about the movie „Its not only about waves“ that he did with his girlfriend, the wonderful filmmaker Eva Diez, the life after his accident and lots of more….
I hope you enjoy the conversation just like I did and would be very happy if you leave a little review on iTunes, which helps to make this podcast more popular maybe also among non-surfers.
Subjects we talked about (among others):
• about his friendship with Karolo
• the Movie „It´s not all about waves“
• what it feels like traveling alone
• about giving
• thoughts on life after his accident
• and more…
Kepa Acero at PUKAS
Kepa Acero on Instagram
Kepa Acero Homepage
Eva Diez on Instagram
Eva Diez Homepage
SurfilmFest Berlin
Maybe this might also be of your interest:
Get the right surf-season for 108 regions worldwide with the „SURFING WORLDWIDE MAP„.
Follow me to Morocco for the GET WET SOON Surf- and Yoga Immersion this Dec. 2-9.